Saturday, June 30, 2007

It is completed...

Our house that is... At least when it comes to furniture. We received the missing piece of the puzzle today: Dining room furniture. It is sooooooo nice! I feel like an adult now. I think I kind of feel like God did on the 6th day of creation when he saw that it was good (once again).

Here is the picture from the catalog (except we got a glass china cabinet on top of a credenza):

It's kind of squeezed into our little dining room, but still awesome! Now we just need to go get a tablecloth that will cover this thing. Should be fun.

So what's next on the home improvement front?

Oh, there's always closets to organize. That's the plan for 4th of July. We are such fun people.

Now it's time to rest, because it's about to be the 7th day.

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