Saturday, January 28, 2006

still tired, busy, and happy...

Actually, today not too tired, except for that really good tired feeling you get from running 7 miles (yay!). Gearing up for the half marathon in April. New shoes on the way (Brooks Glycerin 4 - I've been on Glycerin 3 for a while). No knee issues yet. It's all good.

So, to you Fox News fans out there. Tomorrow, they will be showing a "fair and balanced" interview with Howard Dean. Ah hahahahahahahaha!!!! Ok. Just had to share that piece of amusement.

What else...? Working like crazy. It's good though. My friend Katie came back from India yesterday. Can't wait to hear about her experiences there... And apparently, she's bringing something back for me... :)

Watched the movie "Born into Brothels" last week. Too good. Sad though. I really want to do something for the poorest people in India. There are so many of them. Will let you all know when the plan is finalized - and you can all donate to the cause! :)

Rebecka is at her first chess tournament ever today. She's such a geek... Kidding! She's smart, that's all. Just like Todd. He's editing and indexing a book. Fun times. He survived LASIK surgery last Wednesday - without passing out or anything! Good job, honey. :)

OK - Excel is waiting. Number crunching time.


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