Saturday, April 16, 2005

geek proof...

You know you're a geek when you're balancing your checkbook at 6 am and the fact that the ending balance is a palindrome puts a big smile on your face...

Different topic (well, same topic in that it describes my personality as well): As I was cleaning the kitchen around 5:30 am this morning, I came across three very brown bananas.

Normal thing to do: Throw them away or possibly cut them up and throw them in the freezer.

Tabita thing to do: Make some nutritional banana-nut bread.

The aroma in here right now is to die for - totally worth it. :)


appwiz said...

Do you know why Fluffy isn't posting anymore?

Anonymous said...

Do you know why crazed_mofo isn't posting anymore?

katie said...

yes, and what about rebecka!?

appwiz said...


Tabita said...

Does anyone know why Tabita hasn't been posting lately??

Because she's so friggin consumed with work!!!

I don't know about those other people/felines. I never see them.

appwiz said...

Ah, poor Tabita. When is Fluffy putting up her next post?