Saturday, December 25, 2004


Christmas Day rocks. I love waking up and seeing Rebecka's face when she sees all the presents that Santa brought her. Her favorite presents this year were a walking and barking "GoGo" dog, a pair of walkie-talkies (so that she doesn't have to come downstairs when she wants to talk to us - hmmm...), and a karaoke machine (hearing Todd sing Waterloo is swell!).

Pepparkakor are awesome!!

Victoria's Secret gifts are always welcome...

Todd with his very own Swedish soccer team home jersey.

We also went for a brisk and wonderful walk around our favorite lake. It was perfectly cold and not at all windy. Great for playing with the walkie-talkies. Now it's time to go watch Harry Potter movie #3 and eat some Ris-a-la-Malta!

God Jul Friends!

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