Friday, December 10, 2004

come see, listen, and eat

What: Christmas Musical "Light of the World" with my two choirs and other random musicians + potluck dinner following program (entree and dessert provided)

When: This Sunday, December 12, 2004 @ 5 pm

Where: Second Presbyterian Church, Nashville

Questions? Post a comment!


appwiz said...

Air tickets included?

Tabita said...

sorry, no...

u can make it if you start driving now... :)

Balaji said...

Look at you! Choir Director! Cool.
I hope you have a good show. Merry christmas!

appwiz said...

I can make it even if I start driving at 5 am on Sunday morning. But, prior commitments hold me back... my apologies. Put up a great show and blog about it for us that missed out.