Saturday, January 29, 2005

music is all around

I'm surrounded by music... Overwhelmed almost. There's so much to hear - so much to play, sing, teach...

Went to hear some innovative music last night... It was the Fognode All Stars (friend Fog and his star friends). Thanks for that - I enjoy broadening my musical horizon (you've provided much there).

Miles away from that - I've been rediscovering the original Destiny's Child. Yes - all the songs sound pretty much the same... But some great harmonies in there. I'd forgotten how awesome the Gospel song at the end is. Melissa, can you work on getting that arrangement on paper?? We need to do that one somehow.

Also looking to do some recording down the road - starting to form thoughts and plans around that... Won't be until summer.

Hoping to go hear some awesome artists on Valentine's Day at the Belcourt. Just trying to find a babysitter... Any volunteers out there?!?! Heck, it may be sold out by now... Who knows?

Plans for tonight: Watch Star Wars on DVD with Todd... Now there's some swell music... ;)


appwiz said...

Wow, Ben Folds is on the list. That's a good alt-rock performer. Must be wonderful living in the music capital of the world!

Tabita said...

Yeh, he's the main reason I wanna go. :)