Saturday, December 23, 2006

Getting ready...

People get ready
There's a train a-coming
You don't need no baggage
You just get on board
All you need is faith
To hear the diesels humming
Don't need no ticket
You just thank the lord

My last children's choir sang this one fine MLK weekend at our church. Somehow, that was one of my most favorite performances with that group - and in general.

It seemed an appropriate intro to this post about getting ready. Getting ready for Christmas, that is. It's really been pretty calm, because there are so many of us to share the work. A little cleaning yesterday, a little "marsipan" baking today - Rebecka's creations below:

Rebecka and her aunts made a doll house out of cardboard for little cousin Ester - it is an amazing work of art. The interior design spans several decades and there is even an accompanying outhouse (there was no room for a bathroom inside the house). They are also making a special gift for Scilla's boyfriend, Fredrick. I am discovering with age that homemade gifts are the sweetest.

Mormor wraps the last presents:

It is julafton (Christmas Eve) tomorrow after all. In our tradition, we distribute and open the presents on Christmas Eve. Rebecka was not quite sure about that to begin with, but now she seems to have embraced a tradition that allows her to open her presents 24 hours earlier than her friends.

Speaking of Christmas presents, I had a Christmas present nightmare last night. I am really excited about the presents I'm giving to my family this year and in the dream, I hid them in an easy-to-forget place and forgot to hand them out on Christmas Eve. I did not remember until we had already left my parents' house and it was not feasible to go back and get them. I was so disappointed!!! I really wanted to see the look on everyone's faces when they unwrapped the treasures. When I woke up, I was so relieved and happy that it was just a dream.

Todd and I are getting ready for the traditional "julbord" (Christmas lunch) by going for wintry long runs every day. Yesterday, we kind of lost track of the time and ended up being out there for almost 1 1/2 hours! It felt so good. As I told Todd: "So this is what it feels like to run when fully rested..." What a difference sleep makes.

Stockholm sunrise and sunset:
Sunrise: 8:45 AM
Sunset: 2:49 PM

Plenty of opportunity for sleep... Now that we're all ready for "dopparedan".

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