Wednesday, March 16, 2005

my sweden vacation...

I booked my tickets!! It's really exciting because I got exactly the dates I wanted (6/18 - 7/16) and I'm flying with SAS, the greatest airline in the world. All this for under $1100. Not bad, eh?

Jag älskar Sverige!!!


Balaji said...

Good for you! Are you counting down the days on your calendar?
I hope to be booking my tickets to India for Aug pretty soon...
Anyway... saw your comment and I just have one question for you... How do you do it?!
Mom + Wife + Employee + Blogger = Superhuman!
But you get up at unearthly hours...
I hope I can become regular soon. At blogging that is.

katie said...

don't forget Friend + Choir Director + Piano Teacher + Runner = Superhuman^2

Anonymous said...

Tabita! Va bra att du får ledigt så länge. Jag såg just att Karin och Paul kommer till Sverige den 15 juli, dagen innan du åker.
Nu räknar vi dagarna tills Todd och Rebecka kommer. Kram

Tabita said...

Ehm - I hate to tell you this, but I'm not superhuman... But how do I do it...

Well - I don't sleep, don't watch TV, don't relax, and definitely don't ever, ever just sit around and do nothing...

Doesn't it sound fun being a perceived superhuman...? ;)