Monday, February 21, 2005

baking fun...

So I made this cake for my colleague's birthday... There's not much else to say, except that everybody thought it was the best cake they'd ever had!! Yeah - I've still got it. :)

Also made a mini-cake for the family... You can check it out on Becka's Blog.

Maybe I should just open a Swedish bakery.

PS. Isn't it ironic that Blogger's spell check does not recognize the word "Blog"...?


appwiz said...

YUMMY! There goes my sham of a diet... pity.

Tabita said...

If you come visit for your birthday, I'll make you one... (if I'm still in the country...) ;)

appwiz said...

heyyyyy... are you emigrating??!??!!?!??

Tabita said...

No - settle down... Swedish bakery in the US... B/c otherwise it wouldn't be unique... ;)